Laser Hair Removal 101: Everything You Need to Know

Hair removal would probably rank fairly high if you asked someone to list their least favorite personal care tasks. Whatever method you use for hair removal, you would probably like to stop using it. Laser hair removal can free you from the endless cycle of shaving or waxing. 

Laser Hair Removal 101

As the official laser hair removal providers for the Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders, the experts at Rejuve Med-Spa know a few things about the topic. If you don’t find answers to your questions here, feel free to contact us so we can help. 

How Does Laser Hair Removal Work?

We use the Soprano ICE™ laser, an innovative laser system that uses a diode laser and Contact Cooling sapphire tips. This laser removes hair by focusing its energy on the hair follicles. Hairs have roots inside the follicles, and the laser heats this pigment without harming the surrounding tissue. This heat will damage the follicle and prevent it from growing hair again. You can get laser hair removal almost anywhere on your body, including:

  • Legs
  • Arms
  • Face
  • Back
  • Chest
  • Underarms
  • Bikini area
  • Neck
  • Nostrils

Imagine how much time and hassle you can save if these parts of your body no longer grow hair.  Even unpleasant nostril hairs can become a thing of the past. 

What Does Laser Hair Removal Feel Like?

The Soprano ICE™ laser features cooling tips for your comfort. Two technicians work together to complete your treatment twice as fast, and they use a sweeping motion designed to remove the most hair while keeping your skin feeling comfortable. Our patients report minimal discomfort and have no hesitation in returning for more treatments. 

At REJUVE MED SPA, we are proud to offer an advanced range of options to care for your health. Fill out the form below or call our office at (972) 265-1590 to schedule a consultation.

How Do I Prepare For Laser Hair Removal?

If you want the best results from your hair removal session, you need follicles with pigmented hair roots inside them. You should avoid any type of plucking, epilating, or waxing for several weeks before your treatment since these methods remove the hair root. Fortunately, you can still shave. We recommend shaving about 24 hours before treatment, so you do not have hair that sticks up above the skin. 

We also recommend avoiding hair bleaching for at least a few weeks before your treatment. While it does not remove the root, it removes the pigment so the laser cannot “see” the hair follicle to treat it. Avoid tanning before treatment to avoid potential skin damage and maximize the contrast between your hair and skin. 

What Results Will I See With Laser Hair Removal?

Laser hair removal requires five to seven treatments to achieve the best results. Not all hair follicles are active simultaneously, so multiple sessions will treat new hairs as the dormant follicles wake up. You will see hair look thinner and finer after each treatment. We can easily manage stray hairs that pop up with a yearly maintenance treatment. 

I am currently undergoing a series of laser treatments with Kinsey and I couldn’t be more pleased. She is professional and always sets me at ease. I highly recommend Rejuve.
S. G.

Take the Next Step

Want to know more about laser hair removal? Fill out the form on this page to request an in-person consultation, and one of our knowledgeable medical staff members at Rejuve Med-Spa will contact you to schedule an appointment. You can also call (972) 265-1590 to schedule your appointment.

Rejuve Med-Spa serves the Addison / North Dallas & Borderline Plano areas.