How To Reduce Swelling After Kybella®
Have you ever wished for a non-surgical treatment to reduce chin fat and define your profile? Then look no further than Kybella®, a non-surgical procedure that targets fat under the chin for long-lasting and natural-looking results. At Rejuve Med-Spa, we provide Kybella® treatment with experienced injection specialists and a luxury spa environment.
What is Kybella®?
Kybella® is an FDA-approved injectable that targets fat under the chin (submental fullness) to give you a more defined profile. Kybella® utilizes a synthetic form of deoxycholic acid to gradually break down fat cells in the chin, leaving surrounding cells untouched. Once Kybella® breaks down the cells, your body will naturally flush them out. The result is reduced chin fat and a natural-looking, slimmer jawline.

How To Reduce Swelling After Kybella®
After treatment with Kybella®, you will likely experience some swelling which typically fades within two to three weeks. You should avoid strenuous exercise for at least 48 hours to minimize swelling. To help reduce swelling, you can gently apply cold packs to your chin after treatment. You may then use a warm compress after the first few days.
Another effective method of reducing swelling is to wear a chin strap shortly after your procedure to apply pressure to the area. Lightly massaging the treated area and taking over-the-counter pain medications may also help reduce swelling. You can contact our team if you have any questions during your recovery.
What are The Benefits of Kybella®?
Kybella® provides many benefits for patients seeking a non-surgical treatment to slim their necks and sculpt their profiles. The results of Kybella® are long-lasting, and treatment requires little to no downtime. Many patients report feeling a boost in confidence after Kybella®.
Some of the benefits of Kybella® include:
- A more defined neck and chin
- Long-term results
- Little to no downtime
- An effective alternative to surgical procedures
We understand some clients may be uncomfortable with needles and want another non-surgical treatment option for submental fullness. CoolSculpting® treats fat under the chin without the use of needles.
Does Kybella® Get Rid of Fat Permanently?
Once Kybella® removes fat cells under the chin, they do not regenerate. The results of Kybella® can be maintained when paired with a healthy and active lifestyle, and repeat treatments should not be necessary.
Am I a Candidate for Kybella®?
Most individuals who want a slimmer and sculpted profile without surgery make good candidates for this treatment. You may not be a candidate for Kybella® if you have an infection in the planned treatment area or are pregnant or nursing. You can determine your candidacy Kybella® by booking an in-person consultation at Rejuve Med-Spa.
Take the Next Step
Want to know more about Kybella®? Please fill out the form on this page to request an in-person consultation, and one of our knowledgeable medical staff members at Rejuve Med-Spa will contact you to schedule an appointment. You can also call (972) 265-1590 to schedule your appointment.
Rejuve Med-Spa serves the Addison / North Dallas & Borderline Plano areas.