How Long Does Botox® Take to Work?
Botox® is the number one cosmetic treatment in the country. Often used to treat moderate to severe frown lines, crow’s feet, and many other facial lines, Botox® has proved its worth as an effective cosmetic injectable. While fast-acting, Botox® does not take effect immediately, sometimes taking several days before noticeable results.
How Does Botox® Work?
Botox® is the brand name for botulinum toxin. In small doses, as used in cosmetic procedures, this gel-like substance blocks signals between the nerves and muscles. Muscles used to make our most animated facial expressions are often the culprit for wrinkles and lines around the face. Botox® blocks these signals, causing the wrinkles to relax and soften.

How Long Does Botox® Take to Work?
The effects of Botox® may start showing around four days following the procedure; however, Botox® may take up to 14 days to take full effect.
The results last between 3 and 4 months in the first treatment, depending on the area treated and the dosage. Further treatments may lengthen the time results last–in some cases, up to 6 months.
Why Does Botox® Take Time?
Botox® binds to the protein SNARE, which sends chemical signals to tell the muscles to move. The Botox® stops the signal. While it binds quickly to the protein, the act of stopping the signal takes several days. Once the muscles stop contracting, the lines and wrinkles relax, causing an improvement in the appearance of the skin.
At REJUVE MED SPA, we are proud to offer an advanced range of options to care for your health. Fill out the form below or call our office at (972) 265-1590 to schedule a consultation.
Why Choose Rejuve Med-Spa for Botox® Treatment
The treatment takes less than half an hour, making it the perfect “lunchtime” treatment. At Rejuve Med-Spa, we only use products from Allergen, the only FDA-approved manufacturer of Botox®. Our specialists have been trained directly by Allergen and have received certifications in the use of injectables. We stay up-to-date on the latest cosmetic enhancement techniques. We are considered the leading cosmetic practice in the Dallas area, trusted with laser hair removal surgeries for the Dallas Cowboy’s cheerleaders.
Am I a Good Candidate for Botox®?
Botox® is an excellent treatment for anyone wanting a non-surgical option to reduce signs of aging due to frown lines, crow’s feet, or glabellar lines (wrinkles between the eyebrows). People under 18 years of age or who struggle with a neurological disease may not be a good candidate for Botox®. Women who are pregnant or breastfeeding also may not be good candidates. Consult with one of Rejuve Med-Spa’s experts to discuss whether Botox® is the best option for you.
Take the Next Step
Want to know more about Botox®? Kindly fill out the form on this page to request an in-person consultation, and one of our knowledgeable medical staff members at Rejuve Med-Spa will contact you to schedule an appointment. You can also call (972) 265-1590 to schedule your appointment.