What is Kybella®?
Millions of people all over the country will have what’s known as a double-chin. In essence, this is where you have some excess skin or fatty tissue under your chin area. It hangs down, making it look like you have two chins. This problem is commonly associated with weight gain, though you can also develop a double chin as you get older – or it can purely be down to genetics. In any case, this is a common cosmetic complaint as you end up with an undefined jawline.
If you suffer from this problem, you’ll be pleased to know that Rejuve offers Kybella® treatments to treat your double chin.

What is the Purpose of Kybella®?
The primary purpose of Kybella® is to reduce a double-chin. It helps to tighten up the area under your chin, leading to long-lasting results that make you look younger.
How Does Kybella® Work to Reduce a Double Chin?
Instinctively, you may assume that Kybella® is a type of cosmetic surgery – like a face or neck lift. On the contrary, Kybella® is the only non-surgical double-chin treatment available right now. It is an injectable deoxycholic acid, which is present in the body. This acid’s role is actually to break down dietary fat, dissolving it within the body.
Therefore, this is basically what happens when Kybella® is injected into your chin. The substance targets the fat cells in that area, breaking them down and dissolving fatty tissue. The tissue and cells are then filtered out through the body’s natural metabolic process. In doing so, you see a visible reduction of excess fatty tissue around your submental area. It is almost as though they have disappeared, which is effectively what has happened. In turn, this leaves you with a more defined jaw and no saggy skin in that area. Your double chin is no more, and you’re left with a contoured neckline.
At REJUVE MED SPA, we are proud to offer an advanced range of options to care for your health. Fill out the form below or call our office at (972) 265-1590 to schedule a consultation.
Benefits of Kybella®
Kybella® is proven to yield impressive results as it targets the fat cells in your chin. By using a substance that naturally occurs in your body and fights dietary fat, you’re basically using your body to combat the cosmetic issue of a double-chin. No chemicals are used, no strange substances are injected, and there is absolutely no surgery required at all!
Therefore, there is also no downtime and virtually no pain at all. The entire procedure can be completed very quickly, allowing you to get on with the rest of your day.
Am I a Candidate for Kybella®?
Candidates for Kybella® double-chin treatment will be within their target weight and medically healthy. It is not to be considered a fat loss method. It’s ideal for candidates that would like to avoid surgical cosmetic procedures but desire their double chin to be reduced.
Take the Next Step
Please fill out the form on this page to request an in-person consultation and one of our knowledgeable medical staff members at Rejuve Med-Spa will reach out to you promptly. You can also call our offices directly to schedule at (972) 265-1590.
Rejuve Med-Spa serves the Addison / North Dallas & Borderline Plano areas.