How Does PRP Help with Hair Loss?
For men and women alike, thinning hair is insidious, creating insecurities and stealing confidence. What’s worse, treatments of the past have looked fake, not worked, or required really invasive, painstaking methods. Rejuve Med-Spa offers real, effective, minimally-invasive Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) treatments that are scientifically shown to reduce hair loss, stimulate the growth of new hair, and thicken existing hair follicles.
How PRP Restores Lost Hair
PRP for hair loss is a surprisingly simple 3-step process. First, blood is drawn in the same manner required by standard medical tests. The blood is spun in a centrifuge to separate the platelet-rich plasma, and finally, the PRP is injected into your scalp where hair loss exists.
PRP’s growth factors bring stem cells from bone marrow to infuse the area. Stem cells are blanks that can become whatever the body most needs. For hair loss, they become new scalp cells to create a more fertile landscape for hair growth, and they become new hair follicles. Existing follicles are thickened in the healthier scalp tissue, and new follicles replace what’s been lost. PRP also increases collagen and keratin, the building blocks of the hair cuticle, and improves blood flow. Your hair rebounds and thin spots disappear beneath new, lush locks.

Am I a Good Candidate?
PRP can only stimulate areas where follicles still exist and new hair growth is still possible. For this reason, PRP hair restoration therapy candidates are those with thinning hair rather than bald spots that PRP cannot effectively treat.
How Long Does Treatment Take?
PRP hair restoration is relatively fast, only 30 minutes. Rejuve Med-Spa providers recommend multiple PRP treatments for the best results. Patients average 3 sessions every 4-6 weeks to fully realize results, and maintenance treatments will prolong the health of your fertile scalp. While the procedure does involve some pain from the injections, we can offer a topical anesthetic to maximize your comfort during your PRP session.
Because PRP hair restoration is your own plasma injected back into your scalp, there’s little chance of an adverse reaction beyond injection site tenderness and redness. Your normal activities are fine, though avoiding strenuous exercise for a few days is recommended.
How Quickly Will I See Results?
You’ll first notice a lack of shedding. As your scalp becomes healthier, the hair follicles you have will fall out less frequently and in fewer numbers. Next, you’ll experience thicker, healthier hair within two weeks of your initial session. As your scalp continues to improve, new follicles will form from the stem cells, and your collagen and keratin production will increase. 3-6 months after your PRP hair restoration treatment plan began, you’ll have visible, measurable improvement to your thin spots, and overall, your hair will be healthy and more robust.
Request a Consultation
We’d love to help you get all the information you need in order to make the best choice for you. Request a consultation today! Our staff is available and happy to answer your every question.
Why Choose Rejuve Med-Spa?
Because the Rejuve Med-Spa team are experts in PRP hair restoration. We won’t sell you expensive treatments with questionable success. We are not paid on commission, so your consultation results in a treatment plan that will help achieve your goals. Rejuve Med-Spa has more than 15 years in business, and 150 years of combined expertise and your trust and success are our biggest priorities.
So, the last couple of years I have started to notice my hair thin on the top of my head. Even though I know the shaved head look can be very sexy for some men, it does make me feel self-conscious. I have tried several treatments including Rogaine, and even hair pills, and none of these have been successful for me. I have considered looking into a hair transplant, but that still sounds to invasive for me personally.
I was about to give up hope until I heard about this hair restoration treatment at Rejuve Medical Spa. The treatment involves injection your fresh plasma into your scalp to revitalize your hair. I decided to take the leap and try the treatment. Karen was very professional and did an excellent job explaining the treatment process. The nurse, Jordan, was very patient with me and did an excellent job easing my nerves and walking me through the process. Jordan also has a very gentle touch, I barley felt the injections. I was impressed with the fact I was able to return to work the same day, and I had minimal soreness (that I didn’t even noticed unless I touched my scalp) that was gone before the end of the day. They may offer a local nerve block, but I opted out of it, and I think that was the best decision. There really was no pain, and the recovery was so simple and smooth.
This was just my first treatment, but I am really excited to see what my results are going to be. After all my treatments are complete, I will post a follow-up with my results. Thank you Karen and Jordan, and thank you Rejuve!
Take the First Step – Request A Consultation
Please fill out the form on this page to request an in-person consultation and one of our knowledgeable medical staff members at Rejuve Med-Spa will reach out to you promptly. You can also call our offices directly to schedule at (972) 265-1590.
Rejuve Med-Spa serves the Addison / North Dallas & Borderline Plano areas.